The latest news, industry updates and insights

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June 1st, 2020/ by Route 101

Route 101 Named Zendesk Master Partner

Route 101 are pleased to announce our new status as Zendesk Master Partner. As the highest tier achi...

Press Releases
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May 22nd, 2020/ by Route 101

5 Key Ways to Improve Remote Agent Performance

Sympathy Matters: Be sensitive to the fact that this is an emotional time for many, and agents could...

Cloud Technology
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May 22nd, 2020/ by Route 101

8 Tips To Handle Increased Call Volumes

Advice for handling increased call volumes during the Coronavirus crisis. 1. Bring in staff from oth...

Cloud Technology
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May 19th, 2020/ by Route 101

5 Ways to Meet Staff and Customer Needs During COVID-19

These are unprecedented times, and organisations are facing extreme pressures to continue serving cu...

Customer Experience/ Cloud Technology
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April 21st, 2020/ by Route 101

Route 101 Recipient of Queen's Award 2020

A note from us: we won this award in April 2020, whilst still operating under the name 'Unify Commun...

Press Releases
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March 26th, 2020/ by Route 101

Maintaining Business Continuity for Our Customers

If your organisation is currently struggling with continuing to serve customers whilst your agents (...

Customer Experience/ Cloud Technology
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January 9th, 2020/ by Route 101

NICE inContact and Zendesk Partner to Power Customer Experiences

Route 101 can now deliver a joint NICE inContact and Zendesk solution, with the recent announcement ...

Press Releases/ Cloud Technology
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August 22nd, 2019/ by Route 101

5 Questions to Ask Your Future Communications Provider

We get it – you’re constantly under pressure to improve your customer service, reduce your IT overhe...

Cloud Technology
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March 25th, 2019/ by Route 101

Why the Modern Enterprise is Investing in UC in the Cloud

As the next generation enters the workforce, they naturally gravitate towards employers that can emb...

Cloud Technology
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March 19th, 2019/ by Route 101

UC in a Regulated Environment

Why UC in the Cloud? Unified Communications tools offer major benefits to businesses. With a UC syst...

Cloud Technology