Avoid being restricted by your network operator and having to rely on the provider to make urgent adjustments to any call management requirements.
Gamma’s Inbound enables you to securely make changes while benefiting from instant access to reports that meet your business timescales, not those of your network provider.
Customised plans - Build your own customised call plans according to your operating hours, and modify them quickly to meet your immediate business needs.
Open 24/7 - Manage calls efficiently when your premises are busy or closed, instantly diverting them to another location or to mobile.
Managed traffic - When busy simply queue incoming calls to a destination number in a dedicated B2B network to assist with call handling.
Gamma Inbound is the perfect inbound call solution for a range of different business types, with a full suite of features.
For single-site businesses requiring simple routing plans
Ideal for single-site businesses that want to set up and change their call routing according to opening hours/staff availability.
For multi-site enterprise level businesses who want to route by caller identity/location to the right manager
Suitable for larger multi-site/multi-department organisations that have more complex call routing needs.
For call centres needing complete, customisable and scalable functionality
Provides complex, reliable call centre functionality, for businesses that place a high value on customer service and want to deal with incoming enquiries efficiently without missing a call.
Record calls for compliance, customer service or audit purposes
Secure online access to file storage and retrieval of call details with comprehensive functionality.
Upload file announcements to your call plan to communicate with callers using Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
Use IVR to provide callers with call routing options and announcements to inform them of details such as opening hours and website addresses outside of .
Online access to comprehensive live call statistics
That highlight call handling efficiencies such as productivity, call patterns and caller behaviour to enable managers to make informed business decisions.
Just before a call is taken by a call centre operative a message can be played to them giving further information on how to answer each call.
If the operative is taking calls for various companies or departments they receive information on how best to answer each call.
Instantly redirect calls to another site in the case of an unforeseen event or disaster with Gamma Inbound, giving you piece of mind and improved business continuity.
Have full control over what happens to your calls when your office is busy or closed; divert calls to another location or mobile and never miss a call again. You can even record calls for compliance or training purposes and report on your company’s productivity.
Route 101 Ltd.
The Conifers, Filton Rd
Bristol BS16 1QG
All Rights Reserved / Route 101 Ltd. / Company Registration Number 08325675